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Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant
Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant Menu

Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant

Indian, Vegetarian, Vegan, Asian

Dishes priced around£11

Photo of restaurant Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant in Harborne, Birmingham

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Menu from Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant

Browse the menu highlights at Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From starters to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store when you book a table at Barsana Pure Vegetarian and Vegan Indian Restaurant. Besides the flavours, you can even check out the prices at this popular spot. Mmmm, we're getting hungry already...

Check out the menu(s)

Menu highlights

Includes dishes that are:





Veg Lollipop

Soya Shashlik Starter

Aubergine Fritter


Bhindi Dopiaza Main

Mushroom Mutter Balti Main

Punjabi Chole Main



Ras Malai

Chocolate Cake


Gulabjamun with Vanilla Ice Cream


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