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Chai Wu
Chai Wu Menu

Chai Wu

Chinese, Asian

Dishes priced around£45

Photo of restaurant Chai Wu in Knightsbridge, London

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Menu from Chai Wu

Browse the menu highlights at Chai Wu and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From starters to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store when you book a table at Chai Wu. Besides the flavours, you can even check out the prices at this popular spot. Mmmm, we're getting hungry already...

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Menu highlights

Includes dishes that are:



Popcorn Shrimps

With creamy spicy dressing

Salt & Pepper Squid

With chilli & Szechuan peppercorns

Aromatic Duck Spring Roll

Served with hoisin sauce


Stir fried Lobster Noodles

With ginger and spring onions

Wagyu Beef Skewer

Braised Tofu

With vegetarian oyster sauce



Chai Wu Home Made Ice Cream ( 3 scoops )

Vanilla, anko and raspberry

Green Tea Chocolate Fondant

With anko and raspberry ice cream

Chai Wu Dessert Platter


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