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Kingston upon Thames
Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen
Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen Menu

Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen

Chinese, Indian

Dishes priced around£13

Photo of restaurant Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen in Kingston upon Thames, London

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Menu from Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen

Browse the menu highlights at Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen and explore the popular dishes people are craving! From starters to something sweet, take a look at what’s in store when you book a table at Pounding Heart Cocktail Bar & Pan Asian Kitchen. Besides the flavours, you can even check out the prices at this popular spot. Mmmm, we're getting hungry already...

Check out the menu(s)

Menu highlights

Includes dishes that are:





Chicken Lollipop

Known as the drums of heaven, a popular Indian starter of frenched chicken winglets marinated with spices, deep-fried and served with mild chilli sauces

Chilli Garlic Cauliflower

Cauliflower, Garlic, Chilli, Peppers, Soya Sauce, Black pepper

Prawn Crackers with Sweet Chili Sauce



Tom Yum

Vegetarian Sweet Corn

Miso Soup


Plain Chow Mein

Sauteed Beef With Ginger & Spring Onion

Truck Walla Lamb Curry

Traditional succulent lamb on the bone cooked with spices and green chilli


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