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City Centre
The Place
The Place Reviews

The Place

British, Caribbean, European, Drinks

Dishes priced around£9

Photo of restaurant The Place in City Centre, Leeds
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Reviews of The Place (73)

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73 reviews


73 reviews

Value for money:Good value
Waiting time:Very Good
Noise levels:Pleasant
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"Very good"
Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Another good lunch as it was like summer I went with a chicken salad for a change with a cold Brooklyn beer so good too . I like the location and it’s central too so easy find from the station. If you in the city try it for yourself

"Very good"
Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Another nice lunch time meal went with the burger and chips so kept it easy, burger was really tasty and bun was fresh so just how a good burger should be and not over seasoned either. I would recommend this for. Lunch time option

"Very good"
Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Another good lunch and as summertime hacks kicked off I ent with a chicken salad today. The chicken was fresh as was the salad itself and it was a good size portion for a lunch time menu. Only niggle is the limited choice of dressings offered but otherwise a good dish and as you close to the canal it would suit alfresco lovers too

"Very good"
Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Lunch time again and seems to be more popular than usual, I had the burger with cheese and bacon added which was good but I would say leave out the bacon as it not crispy. The rest was it was good and I enjoyed the fries so would say add them to your order. As it’s getting busier I would recommend booking even for lunch

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Another lunch visit so it must be Monday in Leeds😊 have to say this visit was not on par with previous visits but there were more people donning than the norm so would not see it as a negative it just stretched the staff a bit. That said the food was as good ever and the location is good so still recommend it

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Yet another nice lunch really like it here it’s well placed location wise close to station and nice outlook towards the canal makes for a peaceful setting. Top this with friendly staff and good food such as the burger I had and your set up for the rest of your day

Cheryl M.5 years ago · 1 review

Awful food and atmosphere terrible, place needed a good tidy as there was broken furniture on show

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

MondY lunch in Leeds again. Fancied the fish and chips which given the portion was a bit much at this time of day but I went full on for it. I love the crispy beer batter beside the obvious crispy ness in my description the taste is great and well worth trying for yourself

"Very good"
Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Another Monday lunch in Leeds and this is my go to for a number of reasons such as it’s a great central location close to station and a pleasant view. The menu has plenty of choice and I tried the burger which has good quality meat really tasty and not over seasoned like some others so thumbs up for me

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Must be Monday and lunch time again . I decided to brrral with my normal choices and try the cheer Salam’s and pleasantly surprised as it was a really goood mix and the cheese was great so would definitely go down this route again some time soon as always good service and a nice location so what more is needed

"Very good"
Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Another good lunch went with fish and chips as I see it come out the kitchen and could not resist it. The beer batter is really fluffy due to the beer in the mix and crispy too. Add in some really tasty chips and what else would you want except mushy peas and it had them too so happy days . Great location so try some time

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

I travel to Leeds every week so this has become my lunchtime go too it very central 5 mins from the station and the lunch menu is very good, I had the soup and sandwich option this time round and both were tasty. The soup was not over seasoned which most are sand the sandwich filling was ample not the wafer thin type you get at most sandwich bars so worth checking it out

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

I enjoying having lunch here the location is really central and the view is pleasant. I had a burger which was really fresh and tasty seasoned just right along with some fries as you do. It’s a friendly bar come diner and through in the Brooklyn lager and you will come back too.

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

Finally gave the fish and chips a try and really glad I did. This is a great dish the batter is golden and crispy and the fish is really fresh. Often this comes with frozen chips but not here these are proper chips too so if your in the area you must try it for yourself.

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

A good place to help get over the festive blues. Had the soup and sandwich option for lunch. The soup was really hearty and warm but did feel a bit of food envy when I seen the fish and chips go to another table, so note to self to skip breakfast and have the fish on next visit.

Joe W.5 years ago · 795 reviews

The music was ok but a small table 4 people in rather empty bar shouting at each other spoiled a nice venue. That apart the food was good had the fish and chips and both fish and the chips were fresh made not frozen goods so a plus in my book

Joe W.6 years ago · 795 reviews

It was very quite and they’ve closed the kitchen but to the owners credit he offered to cook me something so I took the safe option of soup and sandwich which was ok but I would suggest you launch her rather than look for an evening meal to save you the challenge of what you might get with some many restaurants close bye

Joe W.6 years ago · 795 reviews

I decided to try here for lunch to see if it was a better option than dinner and it was good choice of food and reasonable prices on offer . It was busier than my last visit but the service was up to it and no real delays in ordering and getting food so if you on a fixed lunch time slot you should be ok if your close by.

"Very good"
Christine L.6 years ago · 1 review

Food reasonably priced and service good. Some food a little luke warm but I enjoyed my fishfinger sandwhich. Thanks for this I am sure we will visit again.

Joe W.6 years ago · 795 reviews

Hard to comment on food as the barman told me on arrival the kitchen was closed !! So the only thing I got to try was the Brooklyn lager which was more like an IPA but I enjoyed it. It’s a pity the food was not there as o was looking forward to the fish and chips so maybe next time

Heather S.6 years ago · 1 review

Great service! The food was beautiful and brilliant value for money as there's a lunch deal on Mondays and Tuesdays - would recommend to anyone

"Not good "
Rob M.6 years ago · 1 review

It was cold inside and not particularly comfortable. I had a prawn sandwich which was made with cheap, low quality prawns and loads of mayo, slightly stale bread with an undressed salad made to look like a smiley face. Won’t be going back.

Christine H.6 years ago · 1 review

First time at the bar but will definitely be back. Food was very fresh and tasty. Bar is very clean and bright and very friendly staff too.

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