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Bird in Hand

Bird in Hand

British, European

Dishes priced around£16

Photo of restaurant Bird in Hand in Mayford, Woking
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About Bird in Hand

Family-friendly ✨
Card payment
Parking options
Free WiFi
Open today
Opens at 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 9:30 pm
12:00 pm - 9:30 pm
12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
12:00 pm - 9:30 pm
12:00 pm - 9:30 pm

More about the restaurant: Bird in Hand

The Surrey village of Mayford has more than a roundabout at its centre – it’s got The Bird In Hand, a British pub that’s been given a new lease of life thanks to a sensitive refurbishment and the wise counsel of new management. This handsome establishment along Egley Road boasts a restored fireplace, offering you the chance to hunker down with a pint of real ale or glass of wine, while the restaurant is packed with pub grub classics – and a few surprises. A local fixture, those from Woking can rest assured that it’s a quick trip to Worplesdon station if they’d like to enjoy this classic tavern.

Frequently asked questions

Can I pay with a credit card at Bird in Hand restaurant?

Yes, you can pay with Visa, MasterCard, Debit / Maestro Card, Amex.

Does the restaurant Bird in Hand have Outdoor seating?

No, the restaurant Bird in Hand has no Outdoor seating.

Thinking about making a Bird in Hand booking?

Once a rather dismal drinking hole, The Bird In Hand has benefitted from the tender loving care of local Woking boys Mike, Markus and Sean, transforming into a modern pub and restaurant without losing too much of the rustic charm of the original. A quick spit and polish this was not, however – The Bird In Hand is now one of Mayford and the surrounding area’s best dining and drinking opportunities and the changes wrought inside this Egley Road venue are a sight to behold, with the traditional nooks and crannies being repurposed into well-lit, social spaces that are ideal for a simple tipple or a full-on feast.

Of prime importance to The Bird In Hand is, of course, the bar. It’s stocked with a range of local beers from the Woking area, ales, cider, organic wines… and the bartenders have nous enough to whip up any cocktail you can imagine. Nicely separated from the bar room, the restaurant oozes formal charm but remains as relaxed as the village of Mayford, with a menu that reflects a casual but considered culinary curatorial approach. Small plates and sharers like the Bird In Hand signature platter of cured European meats and room-temperature manchego cheese are good to kickstart an evening, while bigger appetites will lap up the classic British pub grub options given a modern twist.

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